
Village Scene

by Universaltribes Admin on Mar 31, 2023

Written by Jaya Singh 

Reading Time 5 minutes 

The village scene of the Warli Tribes are usually depicted in their paintings. Like they draw houses, coconut tree, palm tree and several other trees too, people, animals like birds, cows, bulls, etc. 

During the months of January and February, they usually go out to work and assist others on their farms. They earn very little money from it (roughly Rs 100 per day), but they manage to get by.

In March, they divide their land and decide which parts need to be burned and which need to be ploughed. As a result, they begin to plan for the coming year.

In the month of April and May, They plant paddy in small seed beds that can be easily manured and tended to. Farm workers collect cowdung and spread it on those tiny beds. These are then stacked with a few cut side branches of trees (wood), followed by evenly distributed dry leaves and grass. They are then covered with a thin layer of mud and slowly burned. This is referred to as Rab.


The concept behind this painting:

  • Toddy's tapper is collecting tadi from the coconut tree.
  • Birds and Monkeys are sitting on the coconut tree.
  • A woman and man enjoy blowing a bubble.

In June, The seeds are sown with the first rains (Chawal Pherni). The farmer then prepares the main fields, the soil of which is too hard to plough when dry.

Before sowing the seeds, they worship their domestic God Narandev,Hirva, and Himaidevi.

In July, once the rice plants have grown a little, they are properly transferred to the main fields.

Weeds that have grown during this time are pulled out.

In August, they cut and gather all of the crops once all of the plants are fully grown and ready for harvesting. Before reaping their land, they worship Vaghadev and Kaansaari (their Domestic Gods).

In September, they gather all of the crops and store them in Makaans (huts built right next to their farms).

In October, they finally remove the outer covering of the seeds and retrieve them. They also bring back dry grass and hay to store in their home. They worship Goddess Savari before harvesting and transporting the crops.

In November, Their main celebration months are October and November. So, aside from storing the dried grass, they don't have much work.

In December, They keep storing the dried grass and use the money they've saved all year for their daily needs.

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